Changing the Way
the World Heals
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Post Traumatic Stress
Publications and Studies

Positive Results
Our Reveal System is a direct result of over 20 years of advanced research conducted by some of the most respected psychologists and researchers in the United States. Our patented system uses EEG Driven Light and Sound Stimulus proven to increase IQ, improve mental clarity, focus, attention span, impulsiveness, and improve behavior.
Studies funded by the *US Board of Education, *National Institute of Mental Health and many others have shown confirmed progress in overcoming the most challenging aspects of ADHD, Alzheimer’s, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression, and Improvement in Physical and Mental Performance.
Individuals and their Care Givers, Parents and Educators confirm these results.
Easy To Use
- Download the App.
- Put on your EEG Headband and VR Headset and relax.
- You now have access to videos showing you simple step by step, easy to understand instructions.
- Refer to colorful graphs and a detailed history of each and every session.
- Use it in the privacy of your own home or take it with you wherever you go.
- You will receive monthly email analysis of your progress with suggestions to help you get the most positive results.